How to really lead a company.

So when listening to a podcast of Dave Ramsey’s Entreleadership series I heard about this amazing writer and speaker named Simon Sinek.

This guys has hit the nail on the head with his book titled “Start With Why”.

His main point is that the thing that differentiates great companies from all others is how they portray their reason for doing what they do.  Take a company like Apple for instance. Is it not clear that they love making products that are super sexy and fun to use?  Or that hey want to do it the absolute best way they can, which is different then everyone else doing it?  If you have ever walked into an Apple store, or used one of their products you would know that the answer is yes.  They exude an attitude of, “yeah, this is how we think it should be because this is what we think is the best way to do it”.  End of story and they don’t care about your opinion because they are so freaking confident that they have figured it out.

I really don’t know an average tech consumer who hasn’t loved their apple product or overall experience.  That’s not to say that I don’t know tech geeks who have other opinions on the subject but even they get it.

Well, according to Simon Sinek, this is because Steve Jobs refused to always bring his business back to “why” they were doing what they were doing.

So without further a due, check out this video to hear it from the horse’s mouth.