Ask any business leaders if they believe it’s their job to make sure their team members are equipped with the necessary tools to perform their jobs, they would answer yes, of course.
So why is it that emplyees who get all the new office equipment still often feel they don’t get the support they need, while others work in much less attractive settings but are able to perform with success and enthusiasm?
Well the truth is, the tools that really help someone accomplish their work and feel motivated are the intangibles that are much harder to foster. Thankfully, like everything else, the harder something is, the more benefit that comes.
From my experience managing teams, these are the most important 3 ways to let your team members know how to succeed.
- Communication.
How are you communicating with the individual members of your team? Do you speak to them all the same way? Have you ever considered what their personal communication needs are? Some of your team members need to be spoken to in a short and direct form, whereas others need to be suggested things in a more conversational way.
The challenging part is finding out what ways each person operates and a very useful resource is Dan Millers website where you can access personality assessments for your whole team. He offer tools that help you figure out exactly who you are dealing with and what their personality strengths are. This is also essential in order to put them in the positions in which they shine. It’s about getting the right people in the right seats and communicating with them so they know how to shine.
- Key Result Areas.
Do your team members know exactly what they need to do in order to win every day? If your answer is no, then you have a problem. As a business leader, one of the most important things to do is make sure your team members feel confident they know how to be successful.
Think about it, who is more motivated, someone who is running toward a goal they can see, or someone who is running with no idea why? Every person you lead should know exactly what their KRA’s are so they can be motivated, and very importantly, accountable. For a great explanation of KRA’s check out Dave Ramsey’s book titled Entreleadership.
- Regular Engagement.
So let’s say your have your staff take personality assessments and you’ve read them over. You’ve also sat with each one of them and detailed their Key Result Areas and each person you lead knows exactly how to win each and every day. What do you do now? Well, now you take all this information and engage them regularly.
I think daily engagement is probably the right amount for most roles, but of course there are cases where it might not be practical or it may even be detrimental. The point is, it needs to be regular, and of high quality. I start every day off with a meeting with my team in which we go over what we accomplished the previous day, and we set the priorities for that day. This keeps things moving and keeps people actively engaged in their KRA’s.
These are just a few tools/practices that help me keep my team productive and I can assure you there is much more to write on these topics. Along with the resources I’ve mentioned above, I suggest reading books by Jim Collins. These are mandatory readings for my team members.